Create Date:2017-08-29
Certificate of Authority
Create Date:2017-04-28
Hand-Over Document
Create Date:2017-04-28
Customs Export Tariff of the Republic of China promulgated in 1934
Create Date:2017-04-28
Customs Preventive Law
Create Date:2017-04-28
Create Date:2017-04-28
Customs Staff Management Draft
Create Date:2017-04-28
Iron Brand
Create Date:2017-04-28
Training Certificate of the Customs College
Create Date:2017-04-28
Official Seal of the Commissioner of Takow Customs
Create Date:2017-04-28
The Autonomous Tariff” written by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek
Create Date:2017-04-21
Landmark of Taiwan Customs
Create Date:2017-04-21